- Is it Allah (SWT) Who creates evil too?
- In the Glorious Qur’an it is said: “He whom Allah guides is rightly guided; but he whom Allah leaves to stray,- for him wilt thou find no protector to lead him to the Right Way.” (Al-Kahf Surah, 18:17). Does it mean that God forces man?
- What is the meaning of ‘Sealed Heart’ that reads in many of the Qur’anic Verses? How one who has a sealed heart could be held responsible for not believing?
- Do the disabled have any fault so they are created so?
- Are disasters such as earthquakes coincidental, or are they our fate?
- Question: How are we supposed to answer the question; “Now that Allah Almighty, with His eternal knowledge, knows what I shall do, so what is my fault?
- Now that Allah (SWT) created all of our actions, what is our fault?
- Does fate oppress?
- “God has decreed both good and evil.” How should we comprehend this?
- Can a child born in Mecca and a child born somewhere in the world unaware of Islam be regarded equal in terms of religious responsibility?
- Some overlook the human will and claim that man is not responsible for the rebellions he goes in for. Does man perform all his deeds under compulsion? If not, for which deeds he is responsible?
- How could one who lives in a desolate place and unaware of Islam held responsible in the hereafter?
- What is it to be pleased with the destiny and what is the suitable limit in doing so?
- How should it be considered from the point of the Divine justice that people get different shares from the worldly bounties?
- Did the appointed times of death of all the people who die in a natural disaster arrive at the same time?
- Does a sinner commit a sin with his own will or is he forced to commit that sin as it is written in his fate beforehand?
- Is man a creature without a will like a leaf in the wind?
- What do ‘Divine Determining and Decree’ mean?
- Can you explain the expression: “He who believes in Divine Determining is saved from grief.” How come the belief in Divine Determining save humans from grief?
- Is speaking about fate dangerous?
- What is the Preserved Tablet (Lahw-i Mahfoos)?
- On Qadar (Destiny): Every aspect of Qadar is nice
- What does “interregnum” (the time between prophets) mean, what will happen to those who are not aware of the religion?2506
- How should we understand the sentence “The guidance (hidayah) is from Allah?”